Carrier Air Conditioner 33PILOT 01 User Manual

System Pilot  
Owner’s Manual  
Part Number 33PILOT-01  
System Pilot reads that device’s first status table and displays it  
as the Default screen.  
lot is connected to a local bus of a VVT® zone controller  
(Comm2), the default device is the local zone controller. If the  
System Pilot is on the Carrier communication bus, the default  
device is set up by the installer.  
The Local or CCN configuration is set up by the installer.  
When the System Pilot is configured for Local Operation, time  
and date will not be displayed on the default screens. When the  
System Pilot is configured for CCN operation, the time and  
date will be shown on the default screens. This way a service  
person or operator may easily determine if the device may be  
used to access devices on the network. The display of the con-  
troller name at the top of the screen in the default display is de-  
faulted to off and may be turned on by the installer also.  
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7  
Power-Up Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
OAT Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Timeout Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  
Program Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  
If the System Pilot is not connected to a local bus and no de-  
fault device has been configured, the default device is the Sys-  
tem Pilot itself. The default device can also be a device that has  
been designated as the remote attach device. A remote attach  
device is a designated Carrier network device to which the Sys-  
tem Pilot will write space temperature, compute an operating  
mode for, and monitor and modify set points.  
Modifying Set Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Occupancy Override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Alternate Maintenance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Bus Scan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
Holiday Configuration Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
All custom Default screens display the day of week, time,  
and space or duct temperature. Other contents will vary  
according to the attached device type. Examples of Default  
screens for the System Pilot, VVT zone controller, and Bypass  
Controller are shown in Fig. 1-3.  
Air-conditioning equipment will provide safe and reliable  
service when operated within design specifications. The  
equipment should be operated and serviced only by authorized  
personnel who have a thorough knowledge of system opera-  
tion, safety devices and emergency procedures.  
Good judgement should be used in applying any manufac-  
turer’s instructions to avoid injury to personnel or damage to  
equipment and property.  
OAT Display — The System Pilot has an outside air tem-  
perature (OAT) software point that can be forced from the  
Carrier communicating network. If the System Pilot is display-  
ing any default screen and the EXIT and SELECT buttons are  
pressed together for one second, the System Pilot replaces the  
default screen with a special screen that shows the OAT vari-  
able value. An example of the OAT Display screen is shown in  
Fig. 4. When the System Pilot is connected to the Zone Control-  
ler’s local bus (Comm2), the OAT display feature is disabled.  
The System Pilot (33PILOT-01) is a component of Carrier’s  
3V™ control system and serves as the user-interface and  
configuration tool for all Carrier communicating devices. The  
System Pilot can be used to install and commission a 3V  
zoning system, linkage compatible air source, universal  
controller, and all other devices operating on the Carrier com-  
municating network.  
Additionally, the System Pilot can serve as a wall-mounted  
temperature sensor for space temperature measurement. The  
occupant can use the System Pilot to change set points and  
cause occupancy overrides. A security feature is provided to  
limit access of features for unauthorized users.  
Power-Up Display — When the System Pilot is powered  
up, it attaches (initiates communication) to a device that has  
been designated as the System Pilot’s default device. The  
System Pilot then displays that device’s custom Default screen,  
if such a screen exists. If the System Pilot attaches to an  
external device that does not have a custom Default screen, the  
Fig. 1 — System Pilot Default Screen  
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.  
PC 111 Catalog No. 533-30017 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33ZC-4SO Pg 1 606 10-04 Replaces: New  
Tab 11a 13a  
MODIFY — Like the INC/DEC buttons, this rotary knob modi-  
fies the value of the highlighted field within its defined limits. The  
value increases or decreases with each increment of the rotary  
knob. Turning the knob clockwise increases the value. Turning it  
counterclockwise decreases the value. From the Zone Controller  
Default screen, the MODIFY knob allows the user to modify the  
set points.  
The MODIFY rotary knob also functions as the SELECT  
button when pressed.  
SELECT — This button function varies according to the  
screen that is currently displayed and the device to which the  
System Pilot is attached. In general, the SELECT button  
processes a user-selected option or initiates a new operation  
mode for the System Pilot.  
Zone Controller Occupancy Override — Pressing the SELECT  
button for less than 3 seconds from the Zone Controller Default  
screen while in an unoccupied mode will initiate an occupancy  
override. While the occupancy status is blinking, the user can use  
the INC/DEC buttons or the MODIFY rotary knob to adjust the  
occupancy status.  
System Pilot Alternate Maintenance Table — Pressing the  
SELECT button for at least 3 seconds from the Zone Controller  
Default screen will display the System Pilot Alternate Mainte-  
nance Table (ALT_DISP).  
Program Mode — To enter Program mode and display  
the Program screen, press the SCROLL UP and SCROLL  
DOWN buttons together for 3 seconds from the default screen.  
The System Pilot will display one of the three program screens  
shown in Fig. 6, depending on the security level that is speci-  
fied in the System Pilot (PILOTCON) screen.  
NOTE: Security level 1 programming is not normally available  
for the end user and is not shown in this book. For information  
regarding functions available with Security Level 1, refer to the  
Installation and Configuration Instructions.  
Use the SCROLL UP/SCROLL DOWN buttons or the  
NAVIGATE knob to step through the options on the Program  
screen. A description of the highlighted option will appear in  
the bottom line of the screen and will indicate if the option is  
not available. Press the SELECT button to select the currently  
highlighted option.  
The following program screen options are available:  
ATTACH (all levels)  
Ctlr-ID (all levels)  
ALARM HIST (all levels)  
CONFIG (level 2 only)  
SETPOINTS (levels 2 and 3 only)  
SCHEDULES (level 2 only)  
DETACH (all levels)  
Edit Mode — If the System Pilot is displaying editable data,  
SELECT allows the user to MODIFY the point that the cursor  
is positioned on.  
ATTACH — Selecting the ATTACH option from the Program  
screen displays one of the Attach screens shown in Fig. 7 and  
8, according to whether the System Pilot is on the Carrier  
communicating network or on the local bus.  
The center portion of the screen shows the 8-character  
controller name, bus number and element number for the  
devices to which the System Pilot can attach. The first entry in  
the list always displays the default device and shows “Default”  
instead of the actual controller name.  
The user can use the SCROLL UP/DOWN, NAVIGATE, or  
PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN buttons to scroll through the list of  
devices. To attach to a device, position the cursor on the device  
and press SELECT.  
If the EXIT button is pressed and the data on the screen has  
been modified, the System Pilot displays the prompt “Save  
data?” followed by the following softkeys: YES, NO and ESC.  
The NAVIGATE rotary knob can be used to move between  
YES, NO, and ESC (with wraparound). Position the cursor on  
the desired softkey and press SELECT. Selecting YES causes  
the System Pilot to write the new data to the controller and then  
return to the next higher screen. Selecting NO returns the  
System Pilot to the next higher screen without saving the new  
data. Pressing Selecting ESCAPE or pressing the EXIT button  
erases the “Save data?” prompt and causes the System Pilot to  
remain in the current screen.  
NOTE: Editing the device list is restricted to security level 1.  
If the System Pilot is already attached to the specified ad-  
dress, the System Pilot will display the message “Reattach?”  
followed by three softkeys displaying YES, NO, and ESC. Use  
the NAVIGATE rotary knob to move between the soft keys and  
press SELECT. The user can also press EXIT to erase the  
prompt and remain in the Attach screen.  
If the System Pilot attaches to an un-addressed VVT®  
Zone Controller, it will display the Zone Controller’s Ctlr-ID  
screen as an indication to the user that the Zone Controller’s  
address has not been set. This screen will show the controller  
element number as 0, even though the controller will actually  
be at its default element number of 140. The user can press  
EXIT to exit the System Pilot’s default screen. When the Sys-  
tem Pilot attaches to an addressed Zone Controller, the System  
Pilot will bring up the standard Zone Controller Default screen.  
UP and PAGE DOWN together for 3 seconds from any screen  
will display the Attach screen. If the data on the current screen  
has been modified, the user will be prompted to save the data  
as described above. Exiting from the Attach screen without at-  
taching will cause the System Pilot to display the Program  
screen (not the screen from which the buttons were pushed).  
Timeout Feature — If no user input is received for an  
hour (i.e., if no buttons are pressed and no rotary knobs are  
turned), the System Pilot reverts to the Default screen for its  
default device. If connected to another device, the System Pilot  
will re-attach to the default device.  
<Controller Name>  
<Controller Name>  
<Controller Name>  
<Text & Error messages>  
<Text & Error messages>  
<Text & Error messages>  
Fig. 6 — Program Screens  
CTLR-ID — Selecting the Ctlr-ID option from the Program  
screen displays the Controller ID screen shown in Fig. 9.  
The center portion of the screen shows the following infor-  
mation for the controller to which the System Pilot is currently  
attached. The controller name, device description, software  
part number, reference number, element number, bus number  
and baud rate are shown. The device description and reference  
number will be truncated, if necessary, to fit on the screen. The  
controller name, device description, address and baud rate are  
modifiable from security level 1 only.  
ALARM HIST — Selecting the ALARM HIST option from  
the Program screen displays the Alarm History screen. See  
Fig. 10. This screen shows the most recent alarms and alerts  
generated by the attached device and stored in its Alarm  
History table.  
Fig. 7 — Attach Screen  
(System Pilot on Carrier Communicating Network)  
The top line shows the 8-character device name. The middle  
of the screen shows the alarms/alerts, displayed one at a time.  
The bottom line shows the current alarm number and the  
number of alarms in the table. This line may also display error  
messages as applicable.  
tons or the NAVIGATE knob to scroll through the alarms/alerts  
one at a time. If the EXIT button is pressed, the System Pilot  
will return to the Program screen.  
Fig. 8 — Attach Screen  
(System Pilot on Local Bus)  
Fig. 10 — Alarm History Screen  
Fig. 9 — Controller ID Screen  
SETPOINTS table option is selected from the Program screen,  
and if there is more than one entry in the corresponding table  
list, then the System Pilot displays a Table List screen. If there  
is only a single table, the System Pilot displays the contents of  
the table.  
Only two types of configuration tables will be available in  
Security Level 2, Holiday Configuration tables and Occupancy  
tables (if attached to a device with an occupancy schedule).  
NOTE: The CONFIG function is not available if the System  
Pilot is set to Security Levels 3 or 4. The SETPOINTS func-  
tion is not available if the system is set to Security level 3.  
The top line of the Table List screen shows the table type  
that was selected. The bottom line shows text and error mes-  
sages, as applicable. The center portion of the screen shows the  
table list. This consists of the table names from the specified  
list, arranged in alphabetical order.  
Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE  
knob to scroll through the list. Press the SELECT button to  
display the highlighted line.  
If a table type with multiple table entries was selected, the  
System Pilot will display a Multiple Table List screen with all  
of the table names associated with that table type.  
If it is a table type with a single table entry, the System Pilot  
will display a Standard Table screen.  
Multiple Table List Screen — If multiple tables of a selected  
type are available, or if SCHEDULE is selected from the Pro-  
gram screen and there are multiple schedules, the System Pilot  
will display a Multiple Table List screen with all of the table  
names associated with that table type.  
If the EXIT button is pressed, the System Pilot exits to the  
next higher screen.  
SCHEDULE — Selecting the SCHEDULE option from the  
Program screen and then selecting a Time Schedule table  
displays the Time Schedule screen as shown in Fig. 11. This  
example shows all 8 of the time schedule periods, even though  
only the first 6 (plus the header line) will actually be shown on  
the System Pilot when this screen is entered.  
NOTE: This function is not available if the System Pilot is set  
to Security Levels 3 or 4.  
The top line shows the 8-character schedule name. The  
bottom line displays text and error messages, if applicable. The  
center portion of the screen shows the schedule data which are  
the occupied and unoccupied times for each period and the  
days to which the period applies. The time is displayed with a  
24-hour clock with colon (00:00 to 24:00). The day flags are  
displayed as 8 bits (0 or 1), for Monday through Sunday plus  
holiday. The times and day flags are modifiable. The period  
numbers and the header line are fixed. Each of the day flags is  
treated as a separate field, therefore, there are 12 modifiable  
fields per line.  
Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE  
knob to scroll through the table one line at a time. If the  
SELECT button is pressed, the System Pilot allows the user to  
modify the data on the current line (starting with Occupied  
hour). Use the NAVIGATE knob to move within the line. As  
each field is highlighted, the truncated 24-character descriptor  
is displayed on the message line. Use the INC/DEC buttons or  
the MODIFY rotary knob to adjust the highlighted value. If the  
EXIT button is pressed, the System Pilot will return to the  
Program screen or the Multiple Table List screen.  
The top line shows the name of the table that was selected.  
The bottom line shows text and error messages, as applicable.  
The center portion of the screen lists the associated tables in  
alphabetical order. If the list has more than 7 tables, then the  
first 7 tables will be displayed.  
Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE  
knob to scroll through the list. If there are more than 7 tables,  
pressing PAGE UP/DOWN will display the previous or next 7  
names from the list. Press the SELECT button to read the  
highlighted table from the attached device and display an  
appropriate screen. A Time Schedule screen is displayed if the  
table is a time schedule, or a Standard Table screen is displayed  
for any other table. Pressing the EXIT button causes the  
System Pilot to return to the Table List screen.  
Standard Table Screen — If a table type with a single table en-  
try is selected from a Table List screen, or a table (other than a  
schedule) is selected from a Multiple Table List screen, the  
System Pilot displays a Standard Table screen.  
The top line shows the 8-character table name. The center  
portion of the screen shows the table data.  
DETACH — Select this option from the Program screen to  
disconnect from the device to which the System Pilot is  
currently attached. The System Pilot will attach to itself and  
display the System Pilot default screen.  
Modifying Set Points — The VVT® zone controller  
default screen displays two set points. The Remote Attach  
Default screen will display up to two set points. The user can  
modify the displayed set points by turning the MODIFY rotary  
knob or pressing the INC/DEC buttons. The displayed set  
points will blink.  
NOTE: This function is not available if the System Pilot is set  
to security level 4.  
The System Pilot will modify a set point subject to the  
limits read from the controller. If there are two set points, the  
System Pilot will modify them simultaneously and will  
preserve the difference between them subject to the limits read  
from the controller.  
The System Pilot has configurable high and low limits for  
set points, as defined in the System Pilot Configuration Table  
and the System Pilot remote attach configuration table. On a  
Remote Attach Default screen, the limits will be applicable to  
Configuration and set point data is read from the attached  
device once, when the table is first selected and displayed.  
There will be one point/decision per line. If there are more than  
seven decisions/points, the first seven will be displayed. The  
bottom line displays text and error messages, as applicable.  
Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE  
knob to scroll through the data. If there are more than 7 deci-  
sions/points, pressing PAGE UP/DOWN will display the  
previous or next 7 decisions/points. As the user scrolls through  
the table, the System Pilot will highlight the current decision/  
point and if there is an associated point name, the 24-character  
descriptor will be displayed on the bottom line. If there is no  
associated point name, the System Pilot will display the  
24-character descriptor in the center portion of the screen.  
If the SELECT button is pressed and the current point is ed-  
itable, the System Pilot allows the user to modify the point.  
Fig. 11 — Time Schedule Screen  
the set points if the set point units are degrees, otherwise, they  
will be ignored.  
The System Pilot's internal limits will not affect the display.  
The System Pilot reads the set points from the device and  
displays them as read, even if they are outside the configured  
System Pilot limits.  
Pressing SELECT while a set point is blinking sends the  
new set point to the controller. Before sending the new set point  
to the device, the System Pilot will clamp the set point to its  
own internal limits and will display the clamped set point on  
the screen. If clamping a set point results in a value that is out-  
side the limits read from the device, the System Pilot will dis-  
play an error indication (“LIMIT”) and will not write the set  
point to the device.  
Pressing EXIT while a set point is blinking will cause the  
System Pilot to revert to the original set point. Changing the set  
point without pressing SELECT or EXIT for 15 seconds will  
also cause the System Pilot to write the new set point to the  
The System Pilot will not write set points to the controller  
unless they have been changed from their original values.  
Occupancy Override — To initiate an override from  
the Zone Controller Default Screen (if the Zone Controller’s  
occupancy status is UNOC), press the SELECT button for  
less than 3 seconds. The occupancy status will begin to blink.  
While the occupancy status is blinking, use the INC/DEC  
buttons or the MODIFY rotary knob to adjust the occupancy  
status. If the occupancy status is changed to OCC and then  
SELECT is pressed, the System Pilot sends the occupancy  
override to the Zone Controller.  
If the occupancy status has been changed and the user does  
not press SELECT or EXIT within 15 seconds, the System Pilot  
will send the occupancy override to the controller and the occu-  
pancy status will stop blinking. If the occupancy status has not  
been changed, the System Pilot will not send occupancy status.  
If the user presses EXIT while the occupancy status is  
blinking, the System Pilot will revert to the UNOC status. The  
System Pilot will not change the Zone Controller's occupancy  
Fig. 12 — System Pilot Alternate  
Maintenance Tables  
If communication to the Zone Controller fails, the System  
Pilot will display “COMFAIL” on the bottom line for 5 seconds.  
NOTE: An occupancy override from the System Pilot will be  
summed into the Tenant Billing Option’s accumulation of  
override times. The occupancy override function is not avail-  
able if the System Pilot is set to security level 4.  
Bus Scan — If the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN buttons  
are pressed at the same time for 3 seconds and if the attached  
device is a Linkage Coordinator, then the System Pilot will  
display the Bus Scan screen. See Fig. 13.  
NOTE: If the attached device is not a Linkage Coordinator, the  
System Pilot will ignore this button combination.  
Approximately every sixty seconds, the Linkage Coordinator  
attempts to communicate with its associated Zone Controllers,  
optional Bypass Controller, and optional Air Source. The status  
of this communication attempt is shown in the Bus Scan screen.  
The top line shows the title “3V Bus Scan: NNN,” where  
NNN is the bus number of the attached device. The next line is  
the data header, which is shaded gray. The rest of the screen  
shows the following data from the scanned devices: device  
address (Addr), device type (DevType), alarm flag (Alm) and  
status (Stat).  
The alarm flag will be Yes if there are outstanding alarms in  
the device’s alarm history table and No otherwise. The status  
column will display Zone Controller’s space temperature, By-  
pass Controller’s duct temperature, or “Fail” if the Linkage Co-  
ordinator is unable to communicate with the device. The alarm  
flag and status will be dashes (“----“) for non-3V devices. Tem-  
peratures will be displayed with one decimal place. Values of  
–40.0 and 245.0 F will be displayed for open and shorted  
Alternate Maintenance Table — To display the Sys-  
tem Pilot Alternate Maintenance Table (ALT_DISP), press the  
SELECT button for at least 3 seconds from the Zone Controller  
Default Screen. The System Pilot will display the Linkage  
Controller or zone controller Alternate Maintenance Table  
shown in Fig. 12, depending on whether or not the attached  
Zone Controller has been designated as a Linkage Coordinator  
(in the Zone Controller’s Linkage Configuration [LINKAGE]  
If the Zone Controller is not a Linkage Coordinator, the  
ALT_DISP table will simply display the zone controller’s  
Points Display Table (POINTS) values. If the Zone Controller  
is a Linkage Coordinator, the ALT_DISP table will display the  
zone controller’s Points Display Table values followed by the  
Master Zone Maintenance Table (MZNMAINT) values.  
NOTE: The user will not be able to force any values from this  
table regardless of whether the same point is forcible from any  
other table.  
PAGE DOWN buttons to scroll through the table. Pressing the  
EXIT button causes the System Pilot to return to the Zone  
Controller Default screen.  
PAGE DOWN buttons to scroll through the list of devices.  
START MONTH — Use this decision to indicate the month  
of the year in which the holiday will begin.  
Start Month:  
Allowable Entries 1 to 12  
Default Value  
START DAY — Use this decision to indicate the day of the  
month on which the holiday will begin.  
Start Day:  
Allowable Entries 1 to 31  
Default Value  
DURATION — Use this decision to indicate the number of  
consecutive days that the holiday will last. If you enter 0 in this  
decision, the holiday schedule will be disabled.  
Allowable Entries 0 = Disable or 1 to 365  
Default Value  
Fig. 13 — 3V™ Bus Scan Screen  
Pressing the EXIT button causes the System Pilot to return to the  
Master Zone Controller (Linkage Coordinator) Default screen.  
Table 1 — Holiday Configuration (HOLDYXXS)  
Holiday (HOLDYxxS) Configuration Table —  
The Holiday Configuration Table is shown in Table 1. The Sys-  
tem Pilot has 30 configurable Holiday tables (HOLDY01S –  
HOLDY30S). An explanation of each configuration decision  
Start Month  
Start Day  
DURATION 0-365  
Copyright 2004 Carrier Corporation  
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.  
PC 111  
Catalog No. 533-30017  
Printed in U.S.A.  
Form 33ZC-4SO  
Pg 8  
Replaces: New  
Book 1  
Tab 11a 13a  

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