Operating Guide for
PROfiCiEnCy REquiREd
Caring for Media Loan equipMent
Media Loan has a limited number of Canon rebel
Xts. We appreciate your help in caring for this item
to insure it's long-term use at evergreen.
inCLuded With the rebeLS:
battery, battery Charger, uSb Cable, Video Cable,
Wired remote, 18-55mm Lens, built-in flash, using
the Canon rebel Xt.
generaL CaMera Care
do not:
inStaLLing & reMoVing battery
to open the battery
compartment, slide
drop this camera
the compartment lever
in the direction of the
back of the camera
as shown by the arrow.
insert the battery with
the power contacts
pointed downward until
the battery locks into
place. Close the cover
and slide the lever back
in place as indicated by
the arrow until it snaps
Submerge this camera in water
Leave this camera near a strong
magnetic field!
Leave this camera in excessive heat,
such as a car
Store this camera in excessive cold
use a blow dryer to blow dust from
the camera
Store this camera in a location where
there may be corrosive chemicals
ido not charge the
battery for 24 hours or
use excessive physical force
please be gentle with this camera; it looks hardy, but
it's delicate!
Media Loan
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
¸ Please Recycle!
rebelxt | 02.29.08 | JW
SeLeCting the Metering Mode
bLaCK-and-White Shooting
the camera has three metering modes; evaluate,
partial and Center-weighted average metering.
a black-and-white option is available in the
parameter settings. press Menu, Jump (to get to the
second little camera), scroll to parameters and Set
then toggle the arrow from Set 1 to bW.
Evaluate Metering is the camera's standard
metering mode suited for most subjects even
under backlit conditions. during manual
focusing, evaluative metering is based on the
center af point.
VieWfinder inforMation
Partial Metering is effective when the
background is much brighter than the subject
due to backlighting.
Center-weighted Average Metering is weighted
at the center and then averaged for the
entire scene.
SeLeCting the driVe Mode
Look at the LCd panel and press the
to select mode.
Single shooting - When you press the shutter
button completely, one shot will be taken.
Continuous Shooting - While you press the
shutter button completely, shots will be taken
continuously according to speed allowed by
current settings.
adVanCed operationS
With the Creative Zone modes, you can set the
desired shutter speed or aperture value depending
which mode is currently selected.
Self Timer/Remote Control - press the shutter
button completely, a beeper will sound, the
self-timer lamp will start blinking and the shot
will be taken about 10 sec. later.
P - program auto exposure is a general purpose
shooting mode. the camera automatically
sets the shutter speed and aperture value to
suit the subject's brightness.
Setting the White baLanCe
Tv - Shutter-priority ae is used to set the shutter
speed. the camera will automatically set the
aperture value to suit the subject's brightness.
turn the shutter dial to change priority settings.
a faster shutter speed can freeze the motion
of a fast-moving subject.
normally, the white balance is set automatically,
but if natural-looking colors cannot be obtained,
you can set the white balance manually to suit the
respective light source. please be considerate of
other users and return the white balance setting
back to automatic (aWb).
Av - aperture-priority ae lets you set the desired
aperture and the camera sets the shutter
speed automatically to suit the subject
Setting the iSo Speed
the iSo speed is
set automatically
within iSo 100-
400. you can set
the iSo speed to
[100] [200] [400]
M - Manual exposure lets you manually set both the
shutter speed and aperture value as desired,
use av +/ button to toggle between settings.
[800] [1600] only in
creative modes.
A-dep - automatic depth-of-field ae is used to
obtain a wide depth of field automatically
between a near subject and far subject. it is
effective for group photos or landscapes.
itip: at higher iSo speeds and higher ambient
temperatures, the image will look more grainy.
also, high temperatures, high iSo speeds, or
long exposures may cause irregular colors in the
iMage-reCording quaLity SettingS
tranSferring iMageS to a CoMputer
iMage fiLe SiZe & Cf Card CapaCity
(using Windows Vista, Xp or Mac oSX (v 10.3/10.4)
- plug camera uSb cable into Camera uSb port.
- plug other end of cable into an available uSb port.
- turn camera on and wait follow on-screen
inote: it may take a few minutes for the initial
install before you can transfer your photos.
diSConneCting the CaMera
Make sure no information is being transferred (red
light is not flashing and LCD does not display "BUSY").
then unplug the uSb cable and turn off the camera.
iPlease note: for some older versions of Mac oS
you must unmount the camera drive by dragging
it to the trash bin before disconnecting the uSb
cable or turning the camera off.
iTip: The RAW file setting assumes that the image
will undergo post-processing with a personal
computer. Special software such as adobe
bridge or photoshop is required to view the
images or edit them for printing. try and test
before assuming your setup will work for major
troubLe Shooting
this is to help you navigate through error messages
and simple problems.
Remember, never try to force the camera! If this
guide does not help you with your problem, please
return the camera to Media Loan and describe the
issue to a staff member.
diSpLaying the iMageS on a tV
Connect the camera to the tV.
- open the camera's terminal cover.
- use the video cable to connect the camera's
video out terminal to the tV monitor's Video in
Only the
icon blinks on the top of LCd panel
- the battery is almost exhausted.
no images can be shot nor recorded
- the Cf card is not properly inserted.
- the Cf card is full.
- turn on the tV and switch the tV's line input to
Video in.
- turn the power switch to on
- press the pLay button on camera back.
- the battery is exhausted.
- the image will appear on the tV screen. (the
camera's LCd monitor will display nothing.)
- you did not focus perfectly (When focused, the
focus confirmation light in the viewfinder blinks.
- After you finish set the power switch to OFF, turn off
- Settings are incorrect for exposure.
the tV and disconnect the cable.
The LCd panel does not
display a clear image
- bring camera back
to Media Loan for
The image is out of focus
- the Lens focus mode
switch is set to Mf
- the camera was
shaken when the
picture was taken or
shutter speed was not
fast enough for hand
held shooting.
images cannot be
- the camera is not
properly connected to the printer.
- the printer is not turned on.
Written teSt:
Complete this written portion on a separate sheet of paper before arriving for your operational proficiency.
1. how do you set the shutter speed and where will you view the shutter speed settings?
2. how do you connect the camera to a power outlet?
3. What creative zone settings should you use to set the aperture?
4. When setting the Mode dial to full auto, what three modes are set?
5. how do you shoot black & white?
6. When should you change the white balance settings; and with regards to this, what should you
remember when returning the camera to Media Loan?
7. What should you do if the LCd panel does not display a clear image?
8. name three things that might permanently damage this camera.
9. if you check out a camera and it is lost, stolen or damaged, who is 100% responsible for the replacement
costs of it?
operationaL profiCienCy:
To be done during your scheduled proficiency.
a. remove the camera from the case and identify all controls and parts.
b. Correctly identify the Cf memory card.
d. Set camera on tripod correctly and use the camera to record a couple of still images.
e. playback the still images.
f. describe the use of the menu button.
g. Set camera to manual focusing.
h. demonstrate how to change the image size.
i. Set up a battery to be charged.
J. pack the camera back in its case.
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